Wolves Make A Come Back In Poland

Wolves have made a comeback to a large national park on the edge of Warsaw decades after the species was wiped out by a large hunt organised by communists running the country. A spokesperson for Kampinos national park which measures 150 square miles says they are very happy the species has returned. Park officials are pleased that the species returning following their disappearance in the 1960’s means that nature is rejuvenating itself and is in good health.
First wolf spotted in 2013
An employee of the park first spotted a wolf in 2013 however it appeared that the animal was just transiting through the park. It now appears there are more than just a few and the species appears to have settled in for the long haul. Recently a young male wolf was seen on camera and following that sighting another male wolf was spotted at a watering hole.
Mass cull during the 60’s
The communist regime in Poland organised a mass culling of the wolf during the 60’s because they were worried about the danger the species posed. Residents were paid for every wolf shot and killed and the last wolf pack was exterminated in 1964. Officials added the wolf to Poland’s list of endangered species in the 1990’s. The species is rare or extinct throughout much of Western Europe. Animal rights activists such as the former French actress Bridgette Bardot and other ecologists were responsible for the addition. Because the wolf has been added to the list, the species has managed to re-establish itself in certain areas of Poland and it is estimated there are now about a 1,000 left in the country today.