Prince Charles Becomes President of WWF UK

WWF UK is pleased to announce that The Prince of Wales has agreed to become their new President in 2011. Prince Charles believes he is taking the reins at a crucial moment for the charity, with a plea for the human race to safeguard the natural world for future generations. Speaking at St James’s Palace to announce his new role within WWF, the prince put forward the notion that the charity needed a new celebrated cause, like that of the ‘Save the Panda’ campaign that is now internationally renowned.

Prince Charles said –

History will not judge us by how much economic growth we achieve in the immediate years ahead, nor by how much we expand material consumption, but by the legacy we leave for our children, grandchildren and their grandchildren. We are consuming what is rightfully theirs by sacrificing long-term progress on the altar of immediate satisfaction and convenience. That is hardly responsible behaviour. There is an urgent need for all of us to concentrate our efforts on sustaining, nurturing and protecting the earth’s natural capital and, moreover, reshaping our economic systems so that nature sits at the very heart of our thinking. This is the mission of WWF-UK, and it is my mission as well.

Charles’ environmental credentials are well known across the world thanks to his tireless green campaigning on a wide range of issues such as protecting the rainforests and sustainability. The heir to the throne will be taking over the presidency from his cousin, Princess Alexandra, and will be following in the footsteps of his father, the Duke of Edinburgh, who was the first president of WWF UK. The Duke is still involved with many WWF projects and currently holds the position of president emeritus.

Let’s hope the future King of England does us proud in his new role and leads the WWF into a brighter future where all animals are save to walk the earth.

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