New Home Could Be Found For Sad Polar Bear

Animals Asia, which is a welfare charity dedicated to animals says the Yorkshire Wildlife Park has stepped up and offered a suitable new home for the lonely polar bear called Pizza who is holed up in a Chinese shopping mall. Earlier in the year Pizza made global headlines after the Animals Asia kicked up a stink with a petition it started to shut down the shopping centre’s “ocean theme park” which is located in Guangzhou China.
Bear slumped on the floor
Videos of the poor animal show the bear all teary-eyed and slumped on the floor of his enclosure. Neither the shopping centre nor the Yorkshire Wildlife Park have made any comment. The Yorkshire Wildlife Park has a purpose built habitat for polar bears which at present houses four of the animals. The park runs what is known as Project Polar which is described as an innovative habitat for the species. It also runs a research and conservation programme.
“We would be delighted to see Pizza end up at Yorkshire Wildlife Park. There can be a happy ending – Pizza would not only enjoy incredible facilities, he would also be part of a community of bears.” said Animals Asia’s welfare director Dave Neale.
Nothing natural
Animals Asia said there would be no payment made for the bear because the organisation is worried that any money provided would be used to purchase more animals. The owners of the indoor zoo in China claim they have made some improvements to living conditions in the park, however Animals Asia still maintains that conditions remain cramped and there is nothing natural about the park. The park also houses beluga whales, arctic foxes, a wolf and some walrus calves.