Lion Pride Attacks And Kills South African Poacher

We guess you could call this a case of someone getting what they deserve. A suspected poacher in South Africa was attacked, killed and eaten by a pride of lions. The lions left very little for police to go on, and all that was remained of the body was just its head. According to reports, the man could be heard screaming for help at the Ingwelala Private Nature Reserve in Hoedspruit, outside Phalaborwa. Despite his screams, the lions rapidly killed their prey and ate most of his body before being chased away. The only remaining body part was the victim’s head, which the police are using to try to identify him.
Initial theory was incorrect
Initially the police believed the dead man was a simple tractor driver employed by the game reserve. However, that theory was debunked after they established the man in question was still alive and it was more likely the victim was a poacher. South African police have confirmed they are investigating the likelihood that the victim may well be a poacher because of the presence of a hunting rifle that was found close to his remains.
Lion poaching has reduced the population by 42 per cent over two decades
Police officers in Limpopo contacted the Department of Home Affairs to seek their assistance in identifying the victim. According to a police spokesperson, it appears as if the victim was more than likely poaching in the game park where the lions attacked and killed him. So far, the reserve has refused to provide any comment citing the fact that the police investigation is still underway. According to estimates about 250 people every year in Africa are killed by lions. The IUCN conducted research which found that between 1993 and 2014 the lion population in Africa fell by a whopping 42 per cent.
Body parts are highly prized
There are now less than 20,000 lions left in Africa and their body parts are much sought after for use in traditional Eastern medicine. Lion skeletons can fetch in excess of £7,000, whilst lion teeth can cost upwards of £500 and a lion skin can sell for up to £3,000. The latest attack on a poacher follows a few months after another poacher in Namibia was charged at and killed by a rhino he was hunting for its horn. All’s well that ends well we say!