Internet Expresses Outrage At The Death Of Cecil The Lion

Last month an extremely popular lion in Zimbabwe known as Cecil, was killed just outside Hwange National Park sparking outrage across the internet. Authorities have identified the hunter as a dentist from Minnesota who paid US$55,000 for the privilege of killing Cecil. Apparently tour guides were said to have lured Cecil beyond the park boundaries at which point the hunter shot Cecil with a crossbow.
The lion was being studied
Cecil was a powerful 13 year old lion with a beautiful black mane. The lion was wearing a GPS collar at the time of his death which was attached as part of a study that was being conducted by Oxford University. Sadly Cecil’s body was found completely skinned on private property that lies adjacent to Hwange National Park.
Disbelief and anger
Cecil’s killing was met with disbelief by staff at Hwange and intense outrage by social networkers on the internet. Adding fuel to the fire was the fact that Cecil’s death was long and drawn out. Cecil was first wounded with a cross bow and was then tracked for another 40 hours before being shot with a rifle.
Hunter remains in hiding
The Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force says the hunting party made use of an animal carcass to get Cecil to leave the boundaries of the park and because he was wearing a GPS tracker, it was relatively easy to trace the final movements of the big cat. Many lions are lured to legal hunting zones before being killed, however authorities in Zimbabwe maintain this was an illegal hunt. So far they have arrested two individuals associated with the hunt, though the trigger man, Walter Palmer remains in hiding.
Cecil’s cubs are in danger
Cecil was very popular with tourists having become accustomed to them at Hwange National Park. He could often be found by the main road which was used by visitors making him the most photographed animal at the park and its icon. Cecil’s death means there is now a void in his pride which will be filled by another male. This means Cecil’s cubs are now in danger because the new alpha male will seek to establish his dominance over the pride by killing cubs in order to encourage the remaining females to mate.