Fun Facts for Cool Cats

I like cats. There you go I said it. In fact, I like then so much I actually have one myself. His name is Charlie and he is a funny little black cat that inherited from an ex-girlfriend many moons ago. Charlie is now an amazing 96 years old in cat years, and has changed that much since I first met him some 8-9 years ago.

He’s a got a few grey hairs here and there, but he’s almost the same size as he’s always been. He sleeps most of the day and can’t quite jump up onto the bed as easy as he used to, but for his age he’s in incredible shape. He is totally spoilt though, so that may help. If you like cats too, here’s a few interesting facts about these dinky little creatures that we inhabit (and usually take over!) our home.

Sleepy Sleeperson

Remember when I said that my cat spends most of it’s time asleep (usually under the radiator!), well this is actually nothing to do with old age. Cats are actually one of the sleepiest mammals on the planet, and can spend up to 16 hours a day sleeping (with the other eight probably eating!). They don’t call it a ‘cat nap’ for nothing folks!

John Travolta Strut

You can tell by the way I use my walk I’m a woman’s man, no time to talk!

Interestingly, cats walk in a way that only two other animals on the planet do, by moving the front and hind legs first on one side, then the other. But do you know which other animals have the same trait and walking gate? Giraffes and camels! How did that happen?!

Hear No Evil

If anything’s going on in or around the house the cat will be the first to sense it. Why? Well their sense of hearing is amazing, with 30 muscles in their outer ear. We only have 6! Also with where and how their ears are situated, they can rotate their ears 180 degrees without ever moving their heads, and that has got to be a massive plus for sensing danger.

Stuck in A Tree

If cats are so awesome, why do they get stuck up in trees? Well, like everything else on the planet, nothings perfect. The main problems cats have is that their claws are perfect for climbing upwards, but terrible for gripping on a downward trajectory due to their curved nature.

Cats are awesome, especially my cat! It’s funny the relationships we humans have with animals, but I’m glad we have a chance to be friends with other species than just ourselves, as most humans are rubbish!!

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