3 Quick Fun Animal Facts
Well aren’t animals just some of the strangest little things on the planet?! They come in all shapes and sizes, and each one has it’s own personality, traits, habits and distinctions. Take my cat for instance. He may appear to be a lazy so and so, but if he wants something you certainly know about it! He even puts his paw on your face (claws in) to say he wants a stroke. This can be rather annoying, particularly if you’re watching TV, but how can you say no?!
As an animal lover myself, it has always interested me the amazing facts that come along with all the animal species there are in the world. It’s so diverse, so I thought I’d give you a few amazing animal facts that you may not know. Some you might, some you won’t, but there’s one thing for sure; animals make this planet a far more fun place to be for sure!
Lions making a noise
Well all know whom the Lord of the Jungle is, and you’re not talking about those idiots who go on I’m A Celebrity either! It is of course the powerful lion, and did you know that their roar is so loud that it can heard it from up to a distance of five miles away. If I was wandering around the jungle and heard that, I think I’d be off in the opposite direction.
Massive tentacles to turn your legs to jelly!
I think we can all safely say that there’s a few thing in the ocean that we wouldn’t like to meet. Sharks mostly, or maybe an angered otter could be a worthy adversory. But one thing I certainly wouldn’t want to see ascending from the deep would be the largest recorded jellyfish, which measured 2.5 metres across, with tentacles of 36 metres in length! Now that really would give you a sting you’d remember!
Mooooo-ve over I need the loo!
Something a bit closer to home for us Brits are cows, and did you know that a cow will produce a staggering 200,000 glasses of milk in it’s lifetime. Also, no two cows spots are the same, not even family members, so each one is completely individual. They can also detect smells from up to 5 miles away, and produce an average of 10 tons of manure a year. That’s A LOT of manure!
That’s the thing about animals; every single one of them has their own unique traits, even if it is creating tons of manure! Let’s hope that everyone takes the time to care for all the planet’s creatures, whether they are endangered or not. They are all amazing and unique in their own way, and remember, it’s as much their planet as it is ours.