
We bring you the latest from around the World in wildlife and conservation news.

Elephant Poaching Starting To Decline In Some Parts Of Africa

The illegal poaching of African elephants which has grown rapidly since 2006 seems to be slowing down and may even be decreasing. According to two new reports, the number of elephants being slaughtered for their ivory has declined. The picture in Central and West Africa however is mixed and poaching shows no sign of moderating. Some experts reckon the reason behind the decline in poaching is there are fewer elephants alive.

Sick Cheetah Cub Becomes Best Friends With Puppy

Everyone needs a friend to lean on when they are having problems. That includes a cheetah cub who received comfort from his BFF which just happens to be a puppy. The 10-week old cheetah cub named Emmet was suffering from pneumonia and needed a friend to help with his recovery. Emmet was born at a conservation centre in Ohio, but not long after his birth contracted pneumonia.

Lions Escape From German Zoo Enclosure

Two lions recently escaped from an enclosure in Leipzig Zoo in Germany. Unfortunately, one of the two lions was shot dead because attempts to use a tranquiliser failed. The two male lions called Motshgetsi and Majo managed to clear their enclosure and leapt over a moat early in the morning before the zoo opened. The two lions were discovered in a terrified state in the undergrowth. Whilst one of the lions was able to be shepherded back to its enclosure, the other lion continued to remain in an agitated state forcing officials to shoot the animal.

New Home Could Be Found For Sad Polar Bear

Animals Asia, which is a welfare charity dedicated to animals says the Yorkshire Wildlife Park has stepped up and offered a suitable new home for the lonely polar bear called Pizza who is holed up in a Chinese shopping mall. Earlier in the year Pizza made global headlines after the Animals Asia kicked up a stink with a petition it started to shut down the shopping centre’s “ocean theme park” which is located in Guangzhou China.

Rare Dolphin Spotted Using Its Mouth To Breathe

Amongst the cutest mammals in the world is without a doubt is the dolphin. This species is famous for both its friendly nature towards humans as well as its calming look. Recent reports have indicated that one particular dolphin does not use its blowhole but instead use its mouths to inhale. The blowhole is located on the top of the dolphin’s head and is considered to be the nose of the species. It is used to help exhale and until recently was also thought to be used to inhale when they surface.

Elephant Who Never Forgot Her Human Helpers Amazes Them

Staff at an animal sanctuary in Kenya were surprised by a newly born elephant calf whose mother brought her there just after she gave birth. Galana the elephant was raised at a sanctuary managed by the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust for seven years. Galana had been discovered weak and fragile all alone in the Kenyan Bush. In 2011 the Trust came to the conclusion that Galana was ready to be released back into the wild where she could lead a normal life like the rest of her species.

Female Rhino Attacked And Killed By Males For Refusing To Mate

A female rhino was killed by two male rhinos who attacked her following her refusal to mate with either of them. The unfortunate incident occurred at the Jaldapara National Park in the Indian state of West Bengal. The state is very well known for its large population of one-horned rhinos. According to news reports, the female had apparently lost her calf just a few days before the attack and was wandering across a part of the park when the two bulls attempted to run her off their territory.

Tiger Queen Dies In India

Wildlife officials in India say the country’s most famous tiger, a 19 year old named Machli has died. The tigress was known as the Queen of Ranthambore, has been described as one of the most photographed wild tigers in the world. Machli was easily recognisable due to the distinctive fish shaped markings she had on the left side of her face. She was the star of many documentaries and amazed the internet when she fought a 14-foot crocodile and killed it.