
We bring you the latest from around the World in wildlife and conservation news.

White Rhino’s Use Poo As Social Network

From the water cooler to Facebook, people have always come together to share information. Apparently white rhino’s do the same thing. The only difference is they meet at a giant pile of poo. White rhino’s faeces contains chemical cues that deliver information about gender, age, health and reproductive status to other rhinos that visit a the communal latrine whose scientific name is a midden.

African Leopard At Risk Of Extinction

Climate change induced habitat loss combined with poaching and other illegal activities have caused an environment filled with torment for animals globally. In fact, the impact is so great that the rate of extinction of animals is increasing at a faster rate. The latest addition to the list of animals that are at risk of extinction is the African leopard who population has fallen by 30 per cent over the last 25 years and may now qualify as “endangered” under the Endangered Species Act.

Wildlife Sanctuary Euthanises All Its Animals

A Colorado wildlife sanctuary euthanised all 11 of its animals. The decision was taken to euthanise according to one of the sanctuary’s co-owners because county commissioners denied their request to relocate. Dr Joan Laub in a television interview said the animals had to be euthanised because of continuous flooding on the property which made conditions unsafe for the animals.

Broken Hearted Polar Bear Dies After Companion Sent Away

A prominent charity dedicated to animal welfare claims that a polar bear “died from a broken heart” after her companion of 2 decades was sent away from San Diego’s SeaWorld to the Pittsburgh Zoo. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) made the claim after a 21-year-old polar bear named Szenja who was born in captivity and lived at SeaWorld’s Arctic exhibit died. Szenha lived with her companion Snowflake for over twenty years and there was a deep bond between the two females.

Police Find Drug Addicted Python During Raid

When police in Australia raided a laboratory that was manufacturing crystal methamphetamine last year, they were probably expecting to find kilos of narcotics, piles of cash and drug making equipment. What they actually uncovered was something else. Along with all the things that were mentioned, they also found a 6-foot long jungle python that was displaying visible signs of addiction. The poor snake had apparently been absorbing fumes from the drug making process as well as other particles through its skin.

Lion And Bear Rescued From Wreckage Of Zoo In Mosul

Recently two of the only surviving animals of Mosul Zoo have been rescued form terrible conditions in the conflict-ridden city of Iraq. Simba the lion and Lula the bear were found at the zoo back in February. The zoo is privately owned and the two animals were found in their cages covered in dirt and excrement. Fortunately, a charity called Four Paws International has stepped into rescue the animals and is flying the tiger and the bear to a better life in Jordan.

Python Swallows Indonesian Farmer Whole

This is a story that has to be seen to believed. We can’t show you pictures unfortunately so you will have to take our word for it. In Indonesia, a farmer who was harvesting his crops disappeared. Very near where the farmer was last spotted, a giant python was caught and inside the belly of the python the farmer was found.

China Establishes Huge Nature Reserve To Protect Endangered Big Cats

China has established a huge new 5,600-square-mile reserve in the North-Eastern part of the country. The reserve was established to protect two endangered big cat species, the Siberian tiger and the Amur leopard. The park will be spread across two provinces in China and is part of a new park system being established by China and is being encouraged by China’s president Xi Jinping according to the Chinese state news services.