
We bring you the latest from around the World in wildlife and conservation news.

Help WWF Protect The Planet By Joining Team Panda In 2019

So by now you will have gotten over your new year’s hangover and dusted off all those mince pies and ready for 2019 to get started. You can make this year meaningful by doing something wonderful for the world by joining WWF’s Team Panda and participating at some of the best challenge events. By joining Team Panda, you will be given awesome support at each stage of your journey as well as some very useful tips to help you train and raise money. Not only will you have a wonderful time with your fellow pandas, you will be helping keep our beautiful planet protected.

New Study Finds Giant Pandas Give Back More Than They Receive

China has already established 67 reserves for the protection of giant pandas and their habitat. That in it of itself is a wonderful thing but as it would happen, the reserves do far more than simply protect giant pandas according to the results of a new study. The study says that the biodiversity contained within the reserves appear to be amongst the highest in the temperate world and are filled with many endemic species to China.

Dolphins Have Amazing Cooperative Abilities

Many species in the wild can be found to cooperate, including when they hunt, raise their young or defend themselves from predators. The big question is whether the animals are strategically coordinating their behaviour or simply acting as individuals to accomplish the same goals at the same time? A new study suggests that bottlenose dolphins actively coordinate and that they learn to work together in synchronicity to solve a task or receive a reward.

Hunter Kills Leopard Sparking Global Outrage

Recently an American based group calling itself Safari Club International shared an image of a female big game hunter on social media proudly showing off her leopard kill. Rather unsurprisingly the image caused a great deal of outrage not just amongst animal rights activists but celebrities joined in the bashing too. Naomi Campbell expressed her horror after conservationists said they believed the big cat was the ninth largest leopard ever hunted.

WWF Partners With Tesco To Solve The Problem With Global Food Supply Chains

WWF has pulled off a coup and roped in retail giant Tesco to partner with it over four years in order to deal with one of the biggest reasons behind the loss of wildlife. The global food supply chain. Despite Tesco being a listed corporation and WWF being a conservation group, both organisations share a common goal which is to make affordable, healthy and sustainable food available to all.

Mountain Gorillas Are Amazing

There are only two places on Earth that mountain gorillas can be found. One of the places is known as Bwindi Impenetrable National Park in Uganda and the other is in Virunga Massif which is an area that spans the borders of Rwanda, DRC and Uganda. The area between Bwindi and Virunga is arguably one of the world’s most biologically diverse. Here you will find snow capped mountains touching base with African savannah. As a result, the wildlife variety found within both parks is massive including mountain gorillas who live at altitudes of between 1,500 to 4,000 metres above sea level.

Deforestation In Brazil’s Amazon Reaches A Decade Long High

Things aren’t looking great in Brazil with the election of a president who seems to care very little about the environment and new data which shows that the amount of deforestation that has taken place this year is at a decade long high. 7,900 square kilometres of rainforest was cleared between August 2018 and July 2018 according to Brazil’s environment ministry which used satellite imaging to monitor the level of deforestation.

Help WWF Protect Our Polar Bears And Halt Global Warming

Most people know that polar bears have evolved to survive in the cold Arctic wilderness. However, their survival is at risk because climate change is causing the sea ice they depend on to disappear. Things have gotten so bad, that the polar bear now faces the prospect of an uncertain future as shrinking sea ice means increasing challenges. The rapidly warming Arctic should serve as a warning that not only are polar bears at risk but out world is seriously under threat.